Friday, 22 March 2013

AGM 14th March 2013


The AGM of the Camera Club was held on Thursday 14th March 2013 at the Community Hall, St Florence.

The welcome by the Chairman Roy Packer, paid recognition to the committee over the past twelve months and to all the members for their continued support and for the quality of photography that was being displayed. He gave reference to the clubs successes in external competitions and also to the members who submit image for the internal competitions. Roy went on to say that the quality of speakers and judges we have had this year has been exceptional; he also told the meeting of the success of three members Jill Baxter gaining EFIAP Silver, Gillian MacKay EFIAP and Mike Cullis Associateship by the Royal Photographic Society, many congratulations on gaining these distinctions. The various officers of the committee all gave reports prior to the election of new officers.

Roy Packer was proposed and by unanimous vote was re elected as chairman, all other officers will continue with one new committee member being added Mrs Donna McKay.

Following a coffee break five motions were debated and voted on.

The evening concluded with the announcement of the clubs annual dinner to be held at the Giltar Hotel, Tenby on 11th May, members are reminded to submit their names and numbers.



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